

April 2024



SMTD教师、学生和校友新闻: April 2024
韦德体育app官网音乐学院, 戏剧和舞蹈 presented Andrew Lloyd Webber’s blockbuster musical, “耶稣基督超级巨星”,” on Feb. 15-18 and Feb. 20-24 in the newly renovated Varner Studio Theatre.

韦德体育app官网音乐学院, 戏剧和舞蹈 presented Andrew Lloyd Webber’s blockbuster musical, “耶稣基督超级巨星,” on Feb. 15-18 and Feb. 20-24在韦德体育app官网校园内新装修的Varner工作室剧院. Featuring music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice, 《韦德体育app官网》是一部摇滚歌剧,大致取材于耶稣基督生命的最后七天, as told through the eyes of Judas Iscariot.

演员、导演和编舞 泰瑞克·威尔特兹·琼斯 1月11日,我去了韦德体育app官网. 30 to give a masterclass and meet with OU theatre students.


韦德体育app官网的 黄金振动 在国际大学生无伴奏合唱锦标赛(ICCA)的五大湖四分之一决赛中,无伴奏合唱组获得第四名。, 发生在2月11日. 3 at the Jenison Center for the Arts in Jenison, Mich.

欢迎韦德体育app官网 Dr. Mel Stanfill “一个国家在别人的Groove下:创造音乐再利用的文化和法律意义”的特别演讲. 在克雷斯基图书馆. 中佛罗里达大学文本与技术项目和英语系联合任命的副教授, 斯坦菲尔的新书, Rock This Way, examines what it means to re-create and borrow music, how the racial identity of both the reusing artist and reused artist matters, and the ways in which the law polices artists and their works.


The Oakland Symphony Orchestra presented its 27th Annual 大卫·丹尼尔斯青年艺术家音乐会 on Feb. 18号,瓦纳独奏厅. 青年艺术家音乐会节目由2023-24韦德体育app官网协奏曲和咏叹调比赛的获奖者进行三场独奏, including Yuhan Wei (pianist), 克里斯托弗·彼得斯 (baritone), Garret Klauss (萨克斯), Montana King (soprano).

Every spring 韦德体育app官网音乐学院, 戏剧和舞蹈 recognizes distinguished students and community members with 玛蒂尔达奖, which are named to honor Matilda Dodge Wilson, who donated the land on which 韦德体育app官网 is built. This year’s award recipients were announced on February 20 by Kerro Knox 3, professor of theatre and associate director of the SMTD. 你可以阅读更多 about this year’s recipients here.

韦德体育app官网的舞蹈课程,以及 Dr. 伊丽莎白Kattner, 舞蹈副教授, 在文章中突出显示的, “Making Sense of Quantitative Data as a Dance Artist,,该报告于2月11日发表. 洛杉矶舞蹈编年史第21名. 你可以阅读这篇文章 here.

The Aizuri四重奏 他们在2月8日首次亮相. 在韦德体育app官网校园的瓦纳独奏厅,作为底特律室内乐“奥克兰冬季艺术节”的一部分.” Their spectacularly creative programs feature gems from the 19th, 20th, 21世纪, including masterpieces by renowned women composers.

赛斯·帕克·伍兹, cello & 《韦德体育官方网站》2月演出. 作为底特律室内乐“奥克兰冬季艺术节”的一部分,25日在韦德体育app官网校园举行.获得了今年格莱美最佳古典器乐表演奖的提名, 伍兹在一个节目中以25岁的阿诺德·勋伯格激动人心的《韦德体育app官网》为主角, and works for cello and piano by Beethoven and Walker.

Teri Hansen

Teri Hansen, 韦德体育app官网客座教授, 3月9日和10日,他与波特兰交响乐团在梅里尔礼堂(Merrill Auditorium)共同参加了两场百老汇的“Showstoppers”音乐会.

三月是一个忙碌的月份 Ben Fuhrman, a special lecturer in music, technology and composition. He performed at the Electronic Music Midwest Festival on March 2, the College Music Society Great Lakes Conference on March 9, 和MOXSonic将于3月16日上市. “所有的表演都是我的作品 蓝色回声,反射 for mandolin and live, interactive, multi-channel electronics,” Fuhrman said. The EMM performance was also streamed live on YouTube by Vox Novus.  Fuhrman has also been working with music tech major Trey Martin, 谁介绍了他的毕业论文项目, “Technomusicology,” on April 4. 该项目探讨了传统仪器取样的伦理和技术问题. “It's a very impressive body of work that he's assembled,” Fuhrman said.


凯瑟琳Hechtman去年12月,他刚从公开大学毕业. ’23) who majored in piano performance, presented a paper at the annual “音乐中的女性”会议, 由伊士曼音乐学院联合主办,于3月9日在纽约霍巴特和威廉史密斯学院举行. Hechtman的论文, titled “Florence Price: A Synthesis of the Expressive and Vernacular,这是她在2023年秋季的形式与分析课上与音乐理论教授Dr. Melissa Hoag. In her paper, 赫特曼在弗洛伦斯·普莱斯钢琴奏鸣曲的第一乐章中确定了黑人文化音乐主题. 你可以阅读更多 here.

The U.S. 空军木管五重奏 3月19日访问韦德体育app官网,演出并呈现室内乐大师班.


戏剧助理教授 惠特尼打孔机 designed costumes for the Curtis Institute of Music's double bill of Les mamelles de tirsamsias and 七宗罪 on March 15 and March 17 at the Philadelphia Film Center in Philadelphia, Penn. 你可以阅读更多 here.

Sarita Alavarado and 亚历山大·埃尔南德斯,两名现任公开大学学生,已预订 本机花园 at Meadow Brook Theatre in Rochester, Mich. Performances ran from March 20 through April 14.

材料的优势,这是一部由俄勒冈州立大学校友执导的戏剧 卡桑德拉Svacha, opened March 8 at Matrix Theatre Company in Detroit. The play also featured lighting design by Anita Banks他是俄勒冈大学的校友.


The 金灰熊乐队 陪同俄勒冈大学男子篮球和舞蹈队前往印第安纳波利斯参加地平线联赛决赛,前往匹兹堡参加NCAA锦标赛,并于3月21日历史性地战胜肯塔基大学.

The 奥克兰的赞美诗 and 大学合唱团,指挥迈克尔. Mitchell and accompanied by Aran Kim as collaborative pianist, performed March 22-23 at the University Presbyterian Church. 音乐会以亨德尔的作品为特色, Buxtehude, 沃恩威廉姆斯, Runestad, Hogan, Antognini, Ruthie Foster, and others.


The 韦德体育app官网 Repertory Dance Company presented Just 于3月22日至23日在韦德体育app官网工程中心的中庭举行. “Just is named after the first full work that I choreographed in the Fall Semester,塞耶·约努茨说, 舞蹈副教授 and director of the Repertory Dance Company. “原 Just 受到毁灭性的损失和社区的启发,他们会找到方法来接你, 从地板上摔下来, in support. Just 成为今年展览的首要主题,并成为另外四件作品的出发点, 所有这些都以作品为标题 Just 一开始. For example, a second full ensemble work is titled and themed Just Wave.今年的演出是剧团第五次在欧大工程大楼内演出. 你可以阅读更多关于演出的内容 here.


韦德体育app官网的 Department of Theatre presented 拉勒米计划, from March 28 – April 7 in Varner Studio Theatre. 拉勒米计划, 由公开大学教员凯莉·克伦普指导, 记录了1998年怀俄明大学学生马修·谢泼德在拉勒米被仇恨犯罪谋杀后的反应, Wyoming. 这出戏取材于剧团对该镇居民进行的数百次采访, 公司成员自己的日记账, 发表新闻报道. OU’s production received rave reviews from Sarah Hovis of 罗切斯特媒体, 以及《韦德体育官方网站》的切尔西·博塞特. 霍维斯写道:“回顾过去的过错并不有趣,但它们也不能被忽视. 讲述马太和无数其他人的故事有助于保持对他们的记忆,并提醒我们还有很多工作要做. By doing so, we can hopefully enact change that will impact future generations. 抽出时间去看看 拉勒米计划 成为对话的一部分.博塞特写道:“《韦德体育app官网》是一片黑暗中闪闪发光的堡垒——欧大的SMTD制作了一部精彩的作品,非常值得。.你可以在网站上阅读他们的评论 罗切斯特媒体 and Oakland Post websites.

JJ Farr她是一名音乐教育专业的大四学生,在Stagecrafters制作的《韦德体育app官网》中扮演了Japheth/Snake 伊甸之子该片于3月29日开幕. Many OU alumnus were also featured in the production, including Matt Kush (Adam), Kryssy Becker-Krenitsky (Yonah), and Kayvon Kashani-Gharavi (声音)主任.

April Tini

直言不讳的临床医生 April Tini visited 韦德体育app官网 on March 26 and worked with the 金灰熊爵士歌手 在斯科特·格温内尔的指导下.

On March 29 and March 30, Theatre Lecturer Kitty Dubin presented readings of two of her one act plays, It’s My Party, and 分手的决定 in the Columbi New Play Festival at Notre Dame College in S. Euclid, Ohio. 可以找到更多信息 here.

OU student 安娜贝利Pulmans is playing Tabatha/Cheshire Cat in DIO’s production of 背诵爱丽丝! 演出将从4月5日持续到5月12日.

两位戏剧专业的学生, 扎卡里·安德鲁 and Zena基辛格,我们预定了 Godspell with Arsène Performing Arts in Macomb, Mich. 演出将于5月17日至26日举行.

Reeve Carney

演员兼创作歌手 Reeve Carney, 谁最出名的是在托尼奖音乐剧的百老汇原创演员中创造了俄耳甫斯这个角色 Hadestown, visited OU on April 5 to conducted a masterclass with OU theatre students.

The 韦德体育app官网爵士组合 performed April 7 at Aretha’s Jazz Café in Detroit.

OU Professor Mark Stone performed in March with singer/songwriter Joe Reilly at “为地球母亲歌唱在安娜堡的方舟上,作为安娜堡帕瓦仪式50周年庆祝活动的一部分. 在音乐会上,斯通被邀请与本土音乐名人堂艺术家基思·西科拉一起表演土著音乐的偶像和大使. In April, 斯通教授还与多伦多大学的乔·赖利和万国舞蹈团在一场名为“Healing Songs.此外,他还带领自己的乐团“石声乐团”(Stone Sound Collective)在纽约歌剧院演出 克利夫兰Thyagaraja节 featuring world-renowned Veena artist Rajhesh Vaidya.  

On April 15, 尊敬的凯伦·谢里丹教授 and 凯罗·诺克斯教授 presented a combined “Last Lecture” on April 15 in Varner Recital Hall. “最后的讲座”系列是韦德体育app官网的一项传统,它给即将退休的教员一个反思自己职业生涯的机会, 大学的历史以及他们对大学未来的看法. 这个项目也提供了一个机会来感谢即将离职的教师对学校的贡献. “A unique aspect of this event is that we are doing our ‘Last Lecture’ together,” said Knox, professor of theatre and associate director of the 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈学院. “由于戏剧的性质, and the fact that we have collaborated on so many projects, 这似乎是显而易见的.诺克斯已经在公开大学任教27年,而谢里登在公开大学任教33年.

Deagan Krohn
Sydney Nummer

This summer, two musical theatre BFA students — Deagan Krohn and Sydney Nummer — will travel to Italy to participate in the Broadway al Monte program. 两名学生都获得了全额奖学金,并将在为期两周的密集训练中与百老汇专业人士一起工作, 以一场公开音乐会告终. SMTD教员泰瑞·汉森是项目主管,教授声音和表演. The program includes students from Musical Theatre programs throughout the U.S. 并提供诸如著名的奇塔·里维拉、诺姆·刘易斯和巴约克·李奖学金等奖项.

Dr. Amanda Ross 被选为2024年国际小号协会会议新作品独奏会上的特邀独奏家, which will take place on May 28 – June 1 in Anaheim, Calif. Dr. Ross will be performing “Did you see the Dragon?雷米·伊纳里(Remi Inari)的作品. 你可以找到更多的信息 here.
